How to Teach Reading Comprehension to Kids
Educators and parents are obsessed with reading; and the
emphasis has only grown in recent decades as reading became a defining
indicator of academic success on standardized tests. Yet despite the obsession
with teaching reading in the early grades, many educators don’t fully
understand how the brain reads, writes Daniel Willingham, a professor of
psychology at the University of Virginia.
Willingham has long studied the best ways to teach reading
and has noticed that factual knowledge often gets left out of the reading
comprehension equation. Well-intentioned teacher’s help kids learn to decode
words, but can’t understand why so many have trouble comprehending what they
read. Willingham contends that lack of knowledge about the subject of the
reading is a big culprit.
Kids are generally tested on reading comprehension as a separate
skill, divorced from any subject they’ve learned about, and that favors kids
who come to school with more prior knowledge – often wealthier kids. Willingham
has some concrete ideas how districts and schools can rethink reading
curriculum to solve this problem:
Current education practices show that reading comprehension
is misunderstood. It’s rather like a general skill that can be applied with
equal success to all texts. Rather, comprehension is ultimately intertwined
with knowledge. That suggests three significant changes in schooling.
First, it points to decreasing the time spent on literacy
instruction in early grades. Third-graders spend 56 percent of their time on
literacy activities but 6 percent each on science and social studies. This disproportionate
emphasis on literacy backfires in later grades, when children’s lack of subject
matter knowledge impedes comprehension. Another positive step would be to use
high-information texts in early elementary grades. Historically, they have been
light in content.
Second, understanding the importance of knowledge to reading
ought to make u think differently about year-end standardized tests. If a child
has studied New Zealand, she ought to be good at reading and thinking about
passages on New Zealand. Why test her reading with passage about spiders, or the
Titanic? If topics are random, the test weights knowledge learned outside the
classroom knowledge that wealthy children have greater opportunity to pick up.
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